Saturday, February 27, 2010

Are plastic clear nose studs alright for your nose? Do they make it infected? Do they let the nose heal up wel?

Im getting a clear plastic screw nose peircing and I was just wondering, if it will be okay for my nose, will it get infected and will it let my nose heal up? I need it for school (:

Heeeelppp?Are plastic clear nose studs alright for your nose? Do they make it infected? Do they let the nose heal up wel?
If your nostril piercing isn't healed you don't need to be changing it. And if it's not healed then you definitely shouldn't be putting plastic in - plastic cannot be properly sterilized and just isn't good for unhealed piercings. Your other options are a glass or bioflex retainer.

If your piercing has had the proper time to heal then yes, you should be fine with a plastic retainer. But I wouldn't wear it 24/7.Are plastic clear nose studs alright for your nose? Do they make it infected? Do they let the nose heal up wel?
There is special jewellery you can buy for sensitive skin. These are less harsh over time as they don't rust or discolour. A local chemist usually has some. Most people don't get infection and the ones that do, either get it from not cleaning the piercing site regularly and properly, or they got the piercing from someone who was not licensed to do it. Your piercing should not be red, sore or have any liquid coming from it. If any of this happens, or if you fell ill like you have a headache or aching muscles, you could have an infection. Pay close attention and listen to your gut. If you find yourself asking if something is wrong, something may well be.
nope! ur nose will be fine - i wear 1 for school 2 n my nose is ok - it hasnt been infected at all from the plastic nose stud


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