Saturday, February 27, 2010

If you hang up a clear plastic bag of water, does it really keep flys away? If it

At many of the resturants I go to, I have seen bags filled half way up with water, hanging around the rooms. When I asked why they were there, they told me it was to keep the flys away. How does this work?If you hang up a clear plastic bag of water, does it really keep flys away? If it
I have tried this exact thing out of curiosity and found that it did not work. The reason given as to why it would work was that the water acts as a lens and causes the light to be reflected around the area under treatment. the flashing light is supposed to keep flies away. I guess my flies just hadn't read the book on this method of repelling flies because it did not work. I even tried using several bags of water.... no luck. My evaluation of this idea is that it is a bunch of bologna. Just another urban myth. Maybe the guys on Mythbusters will do an experiment with this idea.If you hang up a clear plastic bag of water, does it really keep flys away? If it
A plastic ziplock bag with water in it along with a penny DOES IN FACT KEEP FLIES AWAY. This works with all pests with compound vision. The water in the bag fools the pests to thinking its a spider web and the penny or marble makes them think there is a spider there as well.

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Ew ... you frequent restaurants with FLIES?
well i guess you've been fooled
I would actually argue that keeping standing water is the best way to _breed_ mosquitoes, since they lay their eggs in standing water.

If the bag is closed, I have absolutely no idea.
The flies are attracted to the stagnant water. When they fly in and touch the surface, they drown in it and die. Another common variation is the using vaseline. The flies fly in and get stuck when they touch it.
i don't know about the flies being attracted to stagnant water, but i do know that it's a good way to breed mosquitoes and anyone doing that near food or people should be arested for causing a public hazard as mosquitoes carry alot of nasty illnesses
no- it does not keep flies away.
I have never see this anywhere..Its probably bullshit,because it it was true I would see it in eveyr restaurant (in the patios)..I think the restaurant you went to had other problems thta they didnt want to mention, or they were just fuxkign with ur head..ahah LOL

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